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About the Press
Dragonfly Publishing is a registered sole-proprietorship in Nova Scotia, Canada. The press publishes anthologies and novels. It’s run by author Mary Woodbury (pen, Clara Hume) and is an offshoot of the now-closed Moon Willow Press (MWP), which traditionally published other authors. MWP closed in 2022 and was affiliated with Stormbird Press, in Australia, which acquired a few MWP titles. The pub also hosts, a large literary site devoted to the study of world eco-fiction. The press is inspired by dragonflies; books transform us and capture our imaginations. At this site, you’ll find book ordering information, sample stories, blog posts, and even a few MMO ideas. See Other Writings and Projects.
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Mary Woodbury writes fiction under the pen name Clara Hume and lives with her husband and cat in Nova Scotia. She was born in Louisville, Kentucky and has fond memories of the bluegrass state, mainly of the Appalachian Mountains. She grew up in the Midwest, from the cornfields of central Indiana to the Chicago suburbs. A graduate of Purdue University, she earned degrees in English and anthropology. After college, she made her way to California. There, she ran Jack Magazine (now archived at Stanford University). She opened Moon Willow Press in 2010, a niche press publishing first-time authors—some of whom she had worked with at Jack. Her hobbies, besides reading and writing, mostly include the outdoors. Mary loves being on trails and hanging out in forests and oceans. She’s also a localization specialist and is a volunteer writer and editor for Ecology Action Centre’s biannual magazine.
Memberships and Guest Authorship
Mary has been a member of the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment and is an ongoing member of Climate Fiction Writers League, Writers Federation of Nova Scotia, International League of Nature Writers, and Nova Scotia’s Ecology Action Centre. She has written articles for Impakter, Chicago Review of Books,, Ecology Action Centre, Fjords Review, and She is part of the core team of writers at Artists and Climate Change. Her article “A History of Eco-fiction” was translated at Chinese Science Writers Association. Her three-part series on ecological weird fiction, originally published at, was translated at Zest Letteratura Sostenibile (part I, part 2, part 3).

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