Someone on Bluesky recently asked what we’d be doing today if we were ignoring the inauguration. I have no interest in that event or the man being sworn in. I have no interest in watching a billionaire’s hateful oligarchic election happen. What I am interested in is doing something positive. Well, the person who asked …

Submitting Canva files to Ingram Spark

Preflight issues when working with color-illustrated books in Canva and submitting to Ingram Spark I wrote this documentation after hours of frustration when trying to format Canva’s downloaded Print PDF to a PDF/X-1a:2001 compliant format when submitting a children’s book to Ingram Spark. I had all sorts of art box and other errors, and tried …

Social media and politics

I know I’m terrible at posting new blog entries consistently, but life is going well. I’ve just been reading more books and am making good headway in my newest novel. On politics and social media, recently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the following: Earnest post, but: a thing I like here is it’s okay to have moments …


I’ve been a writer since I learned to write. And if I’m not writing, I must find some other creative thing to do. I’m not very good at painting or drawing, and I don’t play any musical instrument proficiently. The older I get, I realize that my hand-eye coordination is getting worse. Some of that …

The New Year

I know I haven’t written since October, but—maybe it’s just a part of getting older—though I love writing about memories, current insights, and dreams, I have lost my desire for social media. Like, I don’t think the world cares about my story. Social media is all about people sharing their stories, and I am not …