When my sister got married a few years ago, she announced that her colors were cobalt blue and black. Being the maid of honor, I researched that color! Blue has so many shades, but cobalt is really a lovely, deep, rich blue. I thought of that particular color this morning as I awoke before dawn […]
Month: January 2017
Walking with a Purpose
Last summer in Ireland, I noticed that whenever I saw a woman going for a walk along the very narrow country roads of the beautiful west coast, they walked with purpose. Their arms swung. Their gait was strong. It was just an observance on my part, but something to remember. When we heard about the […]
The Uncertainty of the Future
In two days, we’ll head down to Maryland, where we’ll be staying for three full days. We will march in the Woman’s March on Washington on January 21. The rest of the time, as much as we’d like to visit other places in the city, the inauguration will likely make DC a crowded place, so […]
One of the greatest things about being outdoors is the awareness of seasons and their variances. I’m not one to care about seasons in the sense of fashion, flings, shopping, or consumer holidays–to me, the great outdoors is the place to recognize the variance of weather and wilderness (or at least urban parks!). Yesterday was […]
A Winter Hike
This winter in Vancouver is unlike most. It has been cold with occasional days of snow and ice and wind, which has canceled schools and caused dangerous travel. What’s up with that!? We’re supposed to be experiencing global warming, right? Well, we should know by now that global warming is a global phenomenon, where variable […]