I feel like a turtle poking its head out to sense the sun and warmer weather after having hid myself in a shell most of the winter–for the past two months to be precise. I’ve had a few times when I’ve been able to run outside, but not many, having to rely on mostly indoor […]
Month: February 2017
Up the River
The featured image is one I licensed through Can Stock Photo as a concept image for the novel I’m writing. I think once I can start running on the trail again, I will be inspired even more to write (since I get so many refreshing ideas when running!), but for now we have snowy sidewalks […]
Liberty, Equality, Reality
What a fascinating and essential campaign promise. According to a New York Times article, Michael Eisen, an evolutionary biologist, who is among the elite of American scientists, with a tenured position at the University of California, Berkeley, has declared his intention to run in the 2018 election for a seat in the United States Senate […]