I am not consumer-minded, I hate plastic snowmen, and on Black Friday this year, we had a lovely meal with my kids and then went hiking at Mundy Park, which was beautiful in its damp, gray silence. The morning after we hiked and fished (not catching anything) in the rain at White Pine Lake. Laughter and togetherness rocked the day. The house has candles, pine cones, and dried orange slices–my only decorations. As we move into December, our first activity tomorrow morning is a rafting trip in Squamish to view eagles. On Christmas we will hang out with a couple friends, and then on New Year’s is a big marathon-watching of Lord of the Rings with other friends. This is the extent of our holiday celebrations this year outside work parties, and it feels simple, fun, and affirming. It’s also a very busy time with work and editing and writing, so for now I’ll post some of our recent photos!