American Beauty

If you are having a bad day, I have a solution for you. Find the Grateful Dead album, “American Beauty,” and slide the needle over the first track or plug in your music player. Turn up the volume. Listen to the music. Really listen. Then dance. I got a little nostalgic last night rewatching “Freaks …


This week is recovery week from a terrible cold and a fall last weekend when camping. Yet, as is with most things in life that are semi-healthy in the least, which I think I am, my scars are healing nicely, the cold is going away, and my long run is coming up this weekend. Today …

Dark Ecology

Sometimes running has to be put aside for a few days, and that’s where I’m at right now. Oh, I’ve had little annoyances since I began running–strange back issues, tendonitis in my arms, frigging costochondritis (of all things!), lack of sleep, etc. But even with these issues I’ve been able to pick up again quickly. …

Into the Wild

This weekend was sort of a bust with running, thanks to a nasty summer cold, but I had already run my normal number of times that week before this thing hit me. Regardless, the bbq yesterday was wonderful–sitting beneath sunny to starry skies with a couple mint juleps (made from lemon-mint from the garden and …