Liberty, Equality, Reality

What a fascinating and essential campaign promise. According to a New York Times article, Michael Eisen, an evolutionary biologist, who is among the elite of American scientists, with a tenured position at the University of California, Berkeley, has declared his intention to run in the 2018 election for a seat in the United States Senate …

A Winter Hike

This winter in Vancouver is unlike most. It has been cold with occasional days of snow and ice and wind, which has canceled schools and caused dangerous travel. What’s up with that!? We’re supposed to be experiencing global warming, right? Well, we should know by now that global warming is a global phenomenon, where variable …

Maple Creek

This afternoon I volunteered with the Streamkeepers to go notch a couple beaver dams that were completely blocking fish. It was the first time I’d been in the creek–quite literally in it, in waist-high waders. I was amazed at the time it takes to cover a small area of this watershed. The trail leading in …

Tree Festival

We have been having the best weather lately. Cool mornings and nights, hot afternoons, sunny and cloudless skies, and gentle breezes promise autumn.  Yesterday was another such day, and I volunteered with the Streamkeepers group at the Riverview Tree Festival. The Maple Creek Streamkeepers are one of the partners of Treefest and are in the …