I’ve been so busy with running and hiking lately that by the time I sit down to blog about it, I seem to be writing nothing more than a quick account of where I went and what I saw. Trust me, though, I do carry long, languid, drifting thoughts and memories when running through the […]
Month: March 2016
Coquitlam Crunch
Easter weekend in Canada means a four-day weekend, so on Friday I ran over four miles and then today did a great hike that I can only attribute to my husband. I was nursing my stupid arm this morning, and he asked, “Hey, you wanna go for a hike?” We walked about two miles to […]
Earth Hour After-Post
Saturday my husband and I ran a few miles at Poco Trail, and then came home to begin to brainstorm on Earth Hour, which began that night at 8:30. I already had my phone charging via a solar charger, but did not use it at all that night. I mentioned in the last post I […]
Earth Hour
Saturday is “Earth Hour” starting at 8:30 pm. The idea is to turn off power and switch on climate action and, if you want, have a social hour off-grid. At work, we have a contest for how people are celebrating Earth Hour, and ideas range from running to camping in the backyard to candlelit dinners […]
St. Patrick’s Day 5K
Yesterday morning was a cool, rainy morning, and we set out to Stanley Park for the annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K. I signed up thinking it was mostly a fun run but later realized that it is one of the most competitive 5K races around. The winner clocked just over 14 minutes. There were still […]
Garden Planning
Last week was my first non-running week this year. Not for lack of desire, though. I was so busy at work; throw in a painful tooth extraction, a worsening of my shoulder tendonitis, and so on, and I figured maybe I would slow down some and test whether the shoulder would get better or worse […]
Living in the Anthropocene
Oh this era has its ups and downs, its hopeful movements and its harsh realities. One reason I got so involved with literature and the arts decades ago is because they can usher in another dimension of reality that may inspire us to be better, to celebrate life, to watchdog and correct the wrongs. Watching […]