Upcoming Runs

Getting excited here about some upcoming runs! One is this coming weekend. We have an Easter weekend to visit family, so will be traveling to near where the setting of my climate change novel Back to the Garden took place, in the Selkirk Mountains, which dip from British Columbia into Idaho (where the story began). …

My Shadow

Today I ran nearly two miles after hitting the Gilnetter Pub last night and then not getting much sleep, and still getting up early to come to work. Something about drinking cold white ale with orange slices while sitting at the Gilnetter, with Morgan, overlooking the Fraser River and the stark Mount Baker behind it, …

Thanks, Music

Today I ran my first real 5K during my lunch hour (and my first sub-40 minute 5K, yes I’m slow!) and was a little late back to work, but it felt wonderful. My last 5K was during a rainforest run, with lots of hills involved, so I ended up walking more than I normally do. …


The cherry blossoms are blooming in Vancouver today, and today’s run was warm and sunny, promising of spring. My running thoughts were all about Alejandro Jodorowsky (whose birthday is today!) whose vision of the film Dune, based off Frank Herbert’s novel, should go down into history as the greatest film never made. I would highly recommend …