I am working on a eco-weird story, a new novel, but am finding a hard time to be able to really sit down and write. I’m up to chapter 4, though. As I noted earlier, part of it is set in Ireland, and it helped very much to go there and see some of the […]
Category: Mythology
The Ireland Journal
The Ireland vacation now seems like a magical dream. We planned the trip some time ago simply so that my mother could visit her ancestors’ homeland and her own dream “place to go in life” before she got too old. It is a place that I have always wanted to go as well, mainly being […]
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
The Lake Isle of Innisfree W. B. Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made: Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee; And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for […]
It is that time of the year to reflect and, regardless of whether one likes to partition life into time segments like years, I think it’s useful to have a time of year to do real reflection on the past and to renew hope for the future. I love this time of year. It means […]
A Confession
Here is my confession, which many would maybe never guess: I love fantasy and science fiction. It started as a young girl, when I was intrigued by Grimms Fairy Tales. My parents used to also read Aesop’s Fables to me. The illustrations in these early books depicted great stories and parables, usually of the old […]