Dragonfly Publishing is going through some changes! Please note that I’m setting up a new store for buying ebooks. This store is not yet open, so please continue to find ebooks at Smashwords. Print books are still available at online retailers or directly from Dragonfly via an online form. To follow other news, please check out our social media.
- On March 4, 2025, I put in a request to remove Dragonfly publishing’s print titles from American-owned IngramSpark. Our publishing company is in Canada, which as of today is the target of new, unjustified American tariffs. Unfortunately, Canada does not have a similar affordable on-demand print and distribution option. Until there is such technology in Canada, Dragonfly will sell only e-books. I will also be looking for more Canadian website platforms so that I can eventually migrate our site and ebook sales. Thanks for your understanding!
- It’s 2025! Notice that we have a new logo, which will be included on future books. So what’s happening in 2025? We’re not yet officially announcing our new novel yet, and it is still untitled, but it will combine ideas from some of our earlier shelved ideas (such as Up the River). Note that the newest novel is in the works and doesn’t yet have a pub date.
- Our email address has been updated! Please be sure to use this one when contacting us.
- Click here for our updated AI, copyright, and privacy notices.
- Winter in the Hills: An Alphabet Song has arrived on November 21, just in time for holiday shipping! This title is not in distribution; see the book ordering page for how to order directly through the press.
- Winter in the Hills: An Alphabet Song is announced. Coming in time for the holidays!
- Bird Song: A Novella is free to read online at Dragonfly! Note that this free version is offered in an embedded PDF and is copyright by Mary Woodbury. All rights reserved. This PDF includes a statement protecting copyright, including a statement of no AI training.
- Look forward to Bird Song: A Novella, free from this website. Coming in late summer 2024.
- The next novel is slow in coming! It might turn in to a collection of short stories. In the meantime, check out our newsletter.
- The Mountains went on sale December 7, just in time for the holidays. Order from Dragonfly or directly from Ingram Spark and other online retailers.
- The Adventures of Finn Wilder has expanded into a new series: Outdoor Tales for Kids! Click here for Book 1, The Mountains, coming in time for the 2023 winter holidays.
- We had a wonderful time at Flights of Foundry with the Rewilding Our Stories Discord on April 15, 2023. We discussed science communication in ecofiction.
- Free digital review copies are available for Back to the Garden, The Stolen Child, and Bird Song: A Novella
- The Stolen Child is now available for print through Ingram’s distribution channels! You can also read a sample here and find a press release on the order link.
- The Stolen Child print copy became available on January 26 but is still making its way into distribution channels.
- The ebook for The Stolen Child is published! Watch for the print book in January 2023.
- After a trial period with a separate blog website, I’ve decided that during our move to new hosting I will remove the Clara Hume blog and move the blog back to this site. Please visit the original blog to read more! I will also be removing the website I set up for Finn Wilder books. I just don’t have the time to produce enough content for that site, and all you really need is to follow along with any new books here.
- During the whole month of July, our Smashwords e-books will be discounted! Use the code ML25Y.
- If you loved Back to the Garden, its sequel, The Stolen Child, is available for pre-order at Smashwords. The print and e-book will be published on November 18, 2022!
- Some fun news today! Temporarily, Back to the Garden is a pay-your-own price at Smashwords (minimum cost is $.99 USD).
- A new edition of The Little Big Town is available. Also, the e-book version of Bird Song: A Novella has been reduced in price and, further, is 50% off from now until March 23 (2024) at Smashwords. Use the code DB85H when you check out.
- As I continue to transition my own books from Moon Willow Press, and move away from Amazon, I’ve set up a Smashwords site for my e-books. Check there to buy Dragonfly Pub books in e-format.
- I finally added some of the older books from Moon Willow, including the Lost Ages series of short stories and the children’s story The Little Big Town.
- Dragonfly announces a new series of children’s books, which coincide with the birth of a young boy in the family: Finn Wilder.
- Announcing the second edition of Winds of Change, an anthology exploring short stories about our climate. The title was originally published in October 2015, and 15% of its sales go to 350.org. The book is still being used in universities teaching about fiction and climate change. Because of this, we will not change any of the beloved stories but will offer a new cover, updated author biographies, and a new introduction.
- Fairly new this year are two new services: book reviews and editorial.
- I’ll be moving promoting other indie bookstores rather than focusing on Amazon for sales.
- New at the site is a plugin called BookPress, which I’ll use to share more samples of Dragonfly’s books.
- You can find news about my eco-fiction project and books at Dragonfly.eco.