I keep telling myself that not running due to injury is part of the running cycle, though now with two months of no running whatsoever–except around my mom’s house when I was bored of inactivity one morning, with only some hiking and biking thrown in–I still hold true to this blog title as I play […]
Tag: injury
Kinder Morgan Protests
First, it seems anything and everything has stunted my running. Over the weekend I was getting ready to go out on my last day of week seven when I began having acute pain in my chest that made it hard to breathe. Had I not had this in the past I would assume it was […]
I had to take six days off running due to an IT-band injury, but was able to pick up where I left off last week today, with only the last two minutes giving me problems. First, I did what I could to help the healing process on my knee, but isn’t it incredible that the […]