I had to take six days off running due to an IT-band injury, but was able to pick up where I left off last week today, with only the last two minutes giving me problems. First, I did what I could to help the healing process on my knee, but isn’t it incredible that the body naturally heals itself too? Much like the Earth–to an extent. We can never forget that we need to do our part.

Part of my running is music, and this morning I listened to some soundtracks from Lost, my favorite ever show. We have been to see the filming locations a couple times and spent time hiking through mountains, forests, volcanic craters, and so on. The last time we stayed in Oahu we were up on the North Shore right on the beach in a salt-corroded cabin, complete with one huge cockroach and some little lizards. The majority of our time was spent basking in the warm ocean.

Michael Giacchino, who composed the score to Lost is pretty awesome, and his music always inspires me to keep running–keep going, just like this morning.

Speaking of Hawaii, check out my interview with Austin Aslan, who wrote Islands at the End of the Earth, a beautiful novel set on the islands. I first found his book in the “cli-fi” section at Goodreads, but he was pretty adamant that his novel was not “cli-fi” but science fiction. It also has a strong ecological aspect to it as the author celebrates the natural beauty and mythology of Hawaii.

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