Here’s a fun exercise for memoir writers. It’s journal-writing combined with word association. This is not “add a new associated word” but write an idea about what this word or phrase means right now. During a cold winter night, as I’m trying to renew myself from a days-long flu bug, I look forward to next […]
Tag: lost
Fickle Destiny
My toe is still healing and, for the most part, I am trying to keep off of it, so I didn’t have much weekend fun! Let’s go back to one of my favorite hiking adventures ever–in Oahu. I’ll preface this by saying that my husband and I were big fans of the television show “Lost”. […]
Sunday was day six of the 10K training (repeat of the program), which was a straight 35-minute run. I went to Mundy Park, which is just up the hill from where I live. It was a cool but partially sunny day. The rainforest floor was still quite damp from the rain we’ve gotten lately. I […]
I recently began a re-watch of my favorite show of all times, “Lost.” My husband and I, and some of our friends, were obsessed with the show and often talked at length about what was going on. What was down in that hatch? What or who was the smoke monster? What was the history of […]
I had to take six days off running due to an IT-band injury, but was able to pick up where I left off last week today, with only the last two minutes giving me problems. First, I did what I could to help the healing process on my knee, but isn’t it incredible that the […]