Yesterday I went on a three-mile hike at lunch up to Deer Lake and the surrounding woods and back. I awed at the vast fields of bluebells and thistle and tall summer weeds and reeds as well as the murky Beaver Creek, whose runoff is part of a biofiltration project. I figured perhaps the cougar, […]
Category: Wildlife
Pokémon Go
Last night, as the sun dipped into a blackening sky, with a waning gibbous moon outlined by haze, my husband and I sat out on the back deck, as we often do in the summer, to idly chat and enjoy one another’s company–me with a glass of red wine, he with a water or beer. […]
Nature Writing
When I began this blog nearly two years ago, my main goal was to write about running and otherwise being outdoors in the Anthropocene–particularly running in an age where our species has impacted all the other species of life on our planet. The deeper I get into wonderful circles of folks who do similar blogging, […]
Summer Is upon Us
Though not technically summer solstice yet, we’ve been warned by Environment Canada that we’ll have a warmer summer than last year’s, all across the country. I thought, wow, last year was a heat wave and drought for 4 months straight–will we really be warmer than that? Here I sit today, exhausted from a late night […]
A Camp Weekend and a 10th Anniversary
I am escaping tomorrow to go on a much-anticipated three-day camp trip to the interior. Weather outlook has turned from all cold and rainy, to at least two mostly sunny days that will be warmer than previously forecast. The occasion is a ten-year anniversary. I am highly looking forward to this outing. When my husband […]
The Central Valley Watershed
I took a running lunch break today and ran over to the Deer Lake trails and back. It’s about a mile there, a little more than a mile at the park (though I could run for longer if I had time), and a mile back. Just about a 3.3 mile run. I wanted to go […]
Weird Fiction
If every weekend was as beautiful as this past one, my cup would be constantly running over with sweetness. Saturday morning we got up early to go to a garden sale in PoCo. I got a tomato plant and some herbs I didn’t have yet. Mostly, however, the garden is complete. I have turnips, leaf […]
Happy Earth Day!
Every year I write that, for me, Earth Day is every day. But this particular day marks the modern environmental movement, whose first Earth Day was in 1970. As an aside, the term eco-fiction began around the same time as part of the same environmentally conscious movement. Sometimes I think that we haven’t budged an […]
Coquitlam Crunch
Easter weekend in Canada means a four-day weekend, so on Friday I ran over four miles and then today did a great hike that I can only attribute to my husband. I was nursing my stupid arm this morning, and he asked, “Hey, you wanna go for a hike?” We walked about two miles to […]
Earth Hour After-Post
Saturday my husband and I ran a few miles at Poco Trail, and then came home to begin to brainstorm on Earth Hour, which began that night at 8:30. I already had my phone charging via a solar charger, but did not use it at all that night. I mentioned in the last post I […]